As we approach Thanksgiving, I think we all become a bit reflective for all that we have to be thankful for. One of the best ways to express your appreciation for all your good fortune during the holiday season (and all year) is to volunteer. There are countless charities that are doing fine work. I wanted to share a few organization that I support. Add a comment with a link to your favorite charity to get involved in.
Recently I was presenting to a group of college students and was asked what I do to manage stress, and given the follow–up comments other students shared on the topic I thought I would make this week’s blog about How I Manage Stress. gadl / / CC BY-SA
First you need to know that everyone feels stressed at one time or another. Some people are very…..
Are you writing a book? Or have you ever dreamt about it? Then you should know that November is National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to write 50,000 words from November 1st – November 30th. Whether you are in school, working, raising your kids or retired, perhaps November of 2013 is the month you will start your novel?
splorp / / CC BY-NC-ND
If you…..
I think of Halloween as a celebration of Fall. It is the hauntingly fun kid-centric kick-off to all the holidays that are soon to follow through to the New Year. Halloween celebrates the best of Fall – jack-o-lanterns, richly colored leaves, costumes and candy. It is also a time when I am always drawn to scary movies and classic scary stories.
What is the one thing YOU really want to do? Sure you may be working toward or in a career, have hobbies, enjoy sports, love spending time with family and friends – but what is your one thing – the one dream that you have? What is your Big Idea?
“Caveman Chuck” Coker / Foter / CC BY-ND
Last week I posted a blog (thanks…..
High school lives in our minds as vividly at the age of 46 as it does at 16. Why? Because whether you are a teen going through these experiences for the first time, or you’re an adult reflecting on them, our teenage years are filled with new emotionally charged experiences. Experiences that are as vivid in our mind the week they happen as they are 30 years later.
Have you gone shopping for a homecoming dress lately? Who is buying these dresses? Let’s start with the fact that 80 percent of the dresses are strapless. Does everyone really want to go to a dance and spend the evening tugging their dress up? And what about all the dresses with cutouts in the middle – when did this become fashionable?
Lindsey: Love & Intrigue starts on the first day of Lindsey’s junior year in high school. But who is Lindsey, really? She, like all of us, is complex. This complexity shows up as confidence in some situations, and insecurity in others, strong and powerful in some circumstances and weak and timid in others. At times she is logical and mature in her choices, while at others she makes choices that might frustrate adults reading the book. Why? Because like any…..
September 7, 2013 is National Buy a Book Day, so I thought I would share authors I have enjoyed over the years and some of the aspects of their writing that I aspire to include in my own work:
Stephanie Meyer. Stephanie is of course the author of the blockbuster Twilight series. …..
What inspired me to write my new novel, Lindsey: Love and Intrigue? My daughters. I’m a working mother of three, two girls and a boy. My girls want to read about realistic characters – no magic, no sci-fi, no vampires, and no zombies. They want to read about girls like themselves; girls who face the very real stresses and joys…..
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